Plant in loose friable soil, cover the tiny seeds with a light sprinkling of soil. To grow big carrots they need lots of sun and regular water, especially when seedlings are small. Small misshapen carrots are still tasty if they don’t turn out how you expect! Top up your garden with lettuce, beetroot, spinach, herbs and leafy greens.
Starting at the root, let’s eat carrots!
“When your carrots are ready, try making carrot and beetroot muffins or carrot dip… if the carrots even make it to the kitchen.”
Carrot and Miso Soup
Learning about plant and insect life cycles
This session is about introducing ourselves, the food garden and the seasons of the year and encouraging children to share their previous gardening experiences. Being the first session of the year, the children gain an understanding of their future learning about what grows in the garden through all the seasons of the year. Gaye the Garden Girl teaches us about the life cycle of the carrot plant and of beneficial insects in the garden, e.g. the ladybird.
Early years S T E M – Learning seasons, plant life cycles, insect life cycles, colours, duration in days of the week, as well as counting of tiny carrot seeds.
Primary School Considerations and Investigations:
Recall, write or draw what happened each day of the week in Gaye the Garden Girls’ garden.
Investigate how to keep a garden healthy and encourage biological control of pests.
Consider the impact of pests and diseases in the garden.
Investigate the importance of beneficial insects in the garden.
Research the origins of heirloom seeds (heirloom vs hybrid seeds).
Consider the impact of the use of chemicals and poisons on all living things.
Carrot seeds need warm soil to germinate, investigate conditions plants need to grow.
Consider the importance of seed saving.
Record the patterns and effects of weather and seasons in the garden.
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