Quotes from the kids & teachers

I can see the male flower on the zucchini plant
5 year old boy

I can see the female flower on the zucchini plant
4 year old boy

So you read your books to us so we know what to plant at what time of the year?
5 year old girl

I now like fresh vegetables because of you
4 year old boy

I love gardening, this is fun
quote from many children

Nitrogen is on the periodic table
7 year old boy

This is the first time I have planted a bean
4 year old boy

I love planting my whole life
4 year old girl

I’m going to go home and ask my Dad to do some planting in our garden at home
4 year old girl

That ‘stinkerliser’ is quite stinky
4 year old girl when using Neutrog Go Go Juice liquid fertiliser (creating new words)

I love looking at your books
4 year old girl

Thanks Rebecca the children can’t stop talking about it! Such a rich and wonderful experience
Preschool Teacher

We can plant our garden, but we don’t have the language which your program brings
Preschool Director

Thank you Rebecca for presenting a fun, educational & engaging event today. I’m sure you’ve sown the seeds for some future green thumbs

Today I just read 4 of your books to my 2 year old at 5 Little Figs Cafe. She loved them & I learnt a thing or two about gardening. Thanks some great reads.

It was a great day. The children had a wonderful time and now see the results of their hard work everyday as their vegetables grow. Thank you for providing this experience.
Junior Primary Teacher

This is the first year I have been able to grow broccoli at home because of what my four year old had learned from you
Parent of preschooler

When digging in the hard soil “we need the worms to come in here”, then we used water to soften the soil “I can imagine this is like icecream melting”
words from a thoughtful 5 year old boy

You know 4 year olds are connecting when you tell them “female flowers grow the food on the plant”….and they ask “but what do the male flowers do?”. You also know that they understand organic pest control saying “snail catchers to the rescue!”

We wouldn’t need to bring our lunch boxes if we grew lots of food in the garden here at kindy
4 year old boy

Thank you for another great time of learning. I know we all enjoy having you visit and keep us enthused about the garden
Kindergarten Director

You are a great resource
Kindergarten Teacher